
Sunday, 6 March 2016

Coastal Path Proposal - Kilkeel to Ballyhalbert

I picked this little article up in the local paper, and it certainly piqued my interest. Ambitious in scope, the project proposes a continuous coastal path from Kilkeel to Ballyhalbert. The idea is a good one, obviously inspired by the coastal path projects going on across the water in Scotland, Wales, and now England. The problems it faces are, however, depressingly familiar and stem from the fact that our countryside access laws are not fit for purpose. The economic benefits of countryside access are a large part of why proposals such as these come to light in the first place, but unless our politicians in Stormont actually reform the legislative framework in a progressive manner, bringing us into line with the rest of the UK, then such initiatives may fail because of resistance from landowners with a misplaced fear of allowing recreational users onto their land.

Another issue is that, while called the 'Mourne and Strangford Lough Coastal Walking Path', the project actually chooses to mostly ignore the potential offered by the coastline of Strangford Lough, and instead routes itself along the eastern coastline of the Ards. Parts of this coastline are of course very scenic, especially that part running from Portaferry to Kearney. However, the Strangford Lough coastline, in my humble opinion, is overall a more scenic area and offers the prospect of a truly world class multi-day long-distance path. But perhaps it's a case of one step at a time! If this proposal can be realised and is successful, then the case for other coastal paths is much more easily made.

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